Florida Residents Have 14 Days for Auto Accident Injuries to Be Included in Claims
Florida has the 14-day rule stating that you can’t file a PIP insurance claim. After that, you’re on your own. The rule exists to 1) get people to seek medical attention as soon as possible, and 2) make it clear that injuries are actually related to the accident.
Fourteen days may seem like a lot of time but it’s not. It can take months for injuries to manifest. Getting into Heathrow Chiropractic in Lake Mary can save you money, prevent physical pain, and protect you from an insurance nightmare.
Auto Accident Injuries Can Be Invisible At First
The two injuries we most want to evaluate you for are whiplash and concussion. Both of them are a big deal, especially if they go untreated. Minor whiplash can trigger pain from a pinched nerve and spread into a shoulder injury, and concussions can lead to chronic headaches, vertigo and memory problems, including memory loss.
Besides documentation, chiropractors have the added benefit of caring for you without having to resort to prescription drugs or surgery. Instead of masking the symptoms, we get to the cause. A car accident throws your body out of whack; you most likely need an adjustment to restore physiological balance so something like a little limp doesn’t turn into a hip or knee replacement.
Get Expert Auto Injury Care in Lake Mary
The entire chiropractic team is well versed in treating auto injuries--especially Dr. Grocholski, who rerouted his career path after experiencing the power of chiropractic care for an auto injury. We’ll determine the full extent of your injuries, if any. And if you are hurt, we’ll give you an idea of how many treatments you need to make a full recovery, and whether or not imaging is critical to giving you an accurate diagnosis.
If you have injuries best suited to be treated by another branch of medicine, we’ll provide a referral. We can also give you a medical note, should you need to take time off from work to properly recover.
Have questions or need to schedule an appointment? Call Heathrow Chiropractic at (407) 809-7592. Se habla español.
Posted In:
Auto Injury Treatment
Whiplash Treatment